Structure of Human heart

Heart, Human, Anatomy, Health, Halloween                                                                                        heart is a part of the

blood circulatory system and probably
the most important part as it is the
part an oven that produces and pumps
blood into your body now do you know
what is the size of your heart it is the
size of the fist that you make you
what is the size of a blue whale's heart
it is a size of a mini golf cart isn't
that really big now the heart is a
muscular organ which is present in the
center of your chest between the two
lungs and it's narrow end is pointed
towards the left side the heart pumps
blood throughout one's life before
understanding how the heart in pump
blood let us understand its structure
first first is the outer covering of the
heart as you can see here the heart has
a double-walled
membrane is covering called the
pericardium now in between these two
walls is present a pericardial fluid
which actually acts as a lubricant so
that there is no friction when your
heart is beating the heart has four
chambers the upper two Oracle's are
atriums that is the left atrium the
right atrium and the lower two
ventricles the left ventricle and the
right ventricle the Oracles receive
blood from the body and pump it into the
ventricles the ventricles send the blood
to long distances such as the toes feet
and even the brain now there are two
blood vessels entering the heart these
blood vessels enter the right atrium
which is your and these are called the
anterior vena cava and the posterior
vena cava they carry deoxygenated blood
and Diedre vena cava will get
deoxygenated blood from the upper part
of your body which is above your heart
like the brain chest and arms the
posterior vena cava will get
deoxygenated blood from the lower part
of your body which contains of dorman
gut and the legs now the blood vessels
leaving the heart are pulmonary artery
which arises from the right ventricle
and the IATA artery which arises from
the left ventricle iota is also the
biggest artery present in your body so
what have we learned today we learnt
about the structure of the heart it's
four chambers the oracles the ventricles
and the blood vessels entering the heart
and leaving the heart so until next time
